LoserDo you feel low? Do you think you are a loser? You, the reader Be the leader! You ! Be the game changer You are your life changer Ignore…Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021
ListView — Android Material UI — Beginner GuideDisclaimer: I’m a beginner and I’m learning stuffs but doing them on my own. I didn’t follow any best practices and just making my hands…Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Retrofit — Common Errors SolvedIssue 1: If the response from the Rest API is a String, you will encounter issue in parsing the JSON. Below is the code to rectify it.Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
Retrofit — Consume Rest API in android app using JavaIn this article, I’m going to share the solution I identified after referring tons of articles for the issue I faced while using Retrofit…Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
Hibernate : Mapping Enum to the database columnToday I had to spend an hour to identify how to store an enum value as a string in the database table. After going through a lot of…Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
What I see is!I see Birds, which must be sitting on Trees, now sitting on Building topsDec 3, 2019Dec 3, 2019
Who is God?Different people have different perspectives about God. Some says he exists and some says he doesn’t. Irrespective of what is true, let me…Nov 27, 2019Nov 27, 2019